With welcoming a new dog into my active life, I knew I’d be taking him along my backpacking adventures! I’ve learned a few lessons so far, and know I’ll learn more on each trip. Here’s a few tips for getting started backpacking with your dog.
backpacking tips
What to Do After Backpacking
Sunburned, bug-bitten, fatigued–I know the feeling after getting home from a backpacking trip. But there’s a few things you just have to do before putting bags of frozen peas on your knees and ordering that pizza!
First Time Backpacking Tips

Before my first time backpacking in 2017, I had many questions, most of them regarding the idea of carrying everything I needed and how much it would hurt. Luckily the boyfriendo was not a novice, but for those of you who are, here’s my tips.
How to Ford a River

Last week, I had a backpacking trip with a daunting start–fording the Queets and the Sams River, no oxen. Here’s how I kept my feet wet and my wits about me!
Water Water Everywhere

When backpacking, you *can* bring all of your water with you, but that can be very heavy. It’s far easier to get water on the trail. While some may think filtering or purifying water isn’t necessary, that’s a gamble I would only make in a life-or-death instance. But with so many options, which treatment is […]
Worth the Weight: My Backpacking Luxuries
For backpacking, bringing ‘just the essentials’ can feel like a ton (especially if it’s your first time or you’re not using the most-lightweight stuff money can buy), and every single ounce counts. So why would I advocate bringing luxury items? Because you’ve earned it! Lugging your own gear over miles should be celebrated–and here’s how […]
Lighten Your Load!

Remember seven weeks ago when I said “tune in next week for a post about lightening your load while backpacking?” Well, better late than never.
Social Distancing is Calling–and I Must Stay Home
I had plans on posting Part 2 of hikes in Saguaro National Park, but in light of everything, I wanted to share my thoughts on the historical times we are living in, and some tips.
Crumbs & Critters: Keeping Your Food Safe in the Backcountry
The days of Yogi Bear hunting down a pic-o-nic basket are long gone. In this day and age, you need to keep your food locked up tight before a bear or smaller critter gets to it first! Not just to keep your belly full, but for an animal’s safety as well.
Are You Down?

If you camp or backpack, chances are you’ll need a sleeping bag. If you start camping and backpacking more often, upgrading your sleeping bag can go a long ways for helping you hit the trail refreshed. But how does one pick a sleeping bag?