Every year, I swear I’ll be better at posting. Yet here it is, January, and I’m writing about a larch hike from October. Oops!
highway 20
Larch March to Goat Peak Lookout

Another fall, another trip to Winthrop for a breathtaking larch hike.
Park Butte

My August of checking hikes off my wish list (and 100 Classic Hikes in Washington’s list!) continues!
Pearrygin Lake Trail

As mentioned last week, I spent ten days in beautiful Winthrop, WA dogsitting for my in-laws. I decided to treat all three dogs to a stroll at Pearrygin Lake State Park. If you think a novice should be walking three dogs at once, don’t.
Lewis Butte

As I wilt in the heat today, it’s hard to believe what a bleak spring we had. Even a Winthrop day in May was grey and mild, as hard as it can be to believe!
Fall Hikes: Leaf Peeping and Color Seeking!

Okay, I’ll admit it: I am a basic, fall-loving gal. Give me football, pumpkin spice lattes, and some leaves changing colors. I love everything about fall–including fall hiking here in the PNW.
Larch Madness at Cutthroat Pass & Lake

The larches are coming, the larches are coming! The stunning larch trees are starting to turn (or have already), so now is the time to hit the road! What are you waiting for?
Big Beaver Trail Spring Backpacking

Months ago, I made plans with a friend for some spring backpacking. The timing couldn’t have been better for the conditions and for my sanity!
Sauk Mountain

After our trek to Heather-Maple Pass Loop, which involved over an hour by car, we weren’t too eager to repeat that car ride again the next day. While there were 3 other hikes near Heather-Maple Pass I wanted to do, there were a dozen options a bit closer to Concrete.